Hydrophobia: Prophecy - PlayStation Network Review
September 28, 2012blog, Hydrophobia: Prophecy, Playstation Network Review, ps3, psn, review, Sony PlayStation 3, Sony PlayStation Network, video game

Halloween is right around the corner, and with it - my slighter darker themes and wallpapers for about the next month. Hope you all have a good weekend planned. Mine will (surprise!) consist mostly of gaming. I have a few different things I'm juggling going...
Super Penguins - iPhone/iPad Review

With my new iPhone has come a lot of new games to try out. Most of them have been of the slower-paced variety like RPG or CCG style games. However, it is nice to try out some other types of titles, especially those that make better use of the iPhone as a whole. ...
Tuesday, huh? Pure Chess Gaming Thoughts

This will be a brief one - I spent most of the weekend and yesterday sick. Never any fun. The good news? Even when sick, I was able to camp out in bed and play some video games. Mostly Dragon's Dogma, Madden, Guardian Cross, Rage of Bahamut and Pure ...
Diablo III - PC Review

Took me long enough to finish and prep my review for the following game - but here it is. Also, sometime tomorrow I will be picking the winner for my Double Dragon: Neon PSN code giveaway.
In my mind, this was the most anxiously awaited PC game since Starcraft II came...
Reminder: Contest for a free PSN game
September 19, 2012contest, Double Dragon: Neon, ps3, psn, Sony PlayStation 3, Sony PlayStation Network, video game
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I haven't gotten much traffic on this yet - good news and odds for the few who have. I don't have much to toss out today - hoping to have a fairly decent review up Friday though. In the meantime - the contest for Double Dragon: Neon for PSN:...
Busy weeks, and a contest - quick Gaming Thoughts
September 17, 2012blog, broadstripe, contest, Double Dragon: Neon, Guardian Cross, ISP, Madden 13, psn, Pure Chess, Sony PlayStation 3, Sony PlayStation Network, video game, WOW Cable, Zen Pinball 2

This feels like a theme right now. Lots of time spent at work, lots of time at home doing work for work, and then in my spare time spending what time remains sleeping or with family. It does look like things should return to 'normal' (no one's ever actually accused...
Double Dragon: Neon - PlayStation Network Review
September 14, 2012blog, classic, Double Dragon: Neon, Old School, Playstation Network Review, psn, retro, Sony PlayStation 3, Sony PlayStation Network, video game

I have a pretty longstanding history with beat 'em up style games, and for the most part I have enjoyed the genre. Double Dragon still ranks as one of my all-time favorite arcade games, and I would guess I played through Double Dragons 1 & 2 on the NES several dozen...
Some quick Wii U thoughts
September 14, 2012Bayonetta 2, console, gamestop, Gaming Thoughts, next-gen, nintendo, pricing, Wii U

Like everyone and their mom yesterday and today, I have been pondering the various Wii U announcements and trying to figure out just what my thoughts on them and the system are. I have come away decidedly mixed at this point, but then I have been since the beginning I...
What have I been up to? Some Gaming Thoughts...
September 12, 2012DLC, Double Dragon: Neon, Dragon's Dogma, Gaming Thoughts, Microsoft Xbox 360, Orcs Must Die 2, playstation network, psn, Sony PlayStation 3, The Pinball Arcade, Xbox Live, Zen Pinball 2

It would seem like with me regularly working 55-65 hours a week over the last month, my dad visiting from Florida for a couple of weeks and the kids starting up on school again that I would be struggling to find time to play games, but that really has not been the case. ...
Legends of Pegasus - PC Review
September 10, 20124X Strategy, computer, dungeons, Kalypso Media, Legends of Pegasus, PC Review, Steam, video game

Kalypso media has released some good, ambitious games in the past. Sometimes however, their ambitious outstrip their resources I think. Dungeons was a title that I thought had a great premise, but a fairly poor execution as I said in my review. When I read...
Madden 13 - PS3/Xbox 360 Review
September 06, 2012John Madden, Madden 13, Madden 2013, Microsoft Xbox 360, national football league, nfl, ps3, PS3 Review, Sony PlayStation 3, video game, Xbox 360 Review

Here it is - my Madden 13 review. It is a fairly sizable one, complete with some video clips as well as images so I do hope you enjoy. I was going to post this tomorrow, but seeing as my dad is up visiting from out of state and there will be plenty of football to...
Super Puzzle Fighter II HD Remix - Xbox Live Review
September 04, 2012blog, Microsoft Xbox 360, Street Fighter, Super Puzzle Fighter II HD Remix, Xbox 360 Review

I hope all of you had a really nice weekend. Seeing as that here in the States it was a holiday weekend, giving me an extra day off of work - I particularly enjoyed it. I spent a large chunk of time working on Madden and Dragon's Dogma. So, now for the lats...