The Guided Fate Paradox - PSN Review
October 29, 2013NIS America, Playstation Network Review, ps3, PS3 Review, Sony PlayStation 3, Sony PlayStation Network, The Guided Fate Paradox

First off - Happy almost-Halloween! Bit late for a background update to match the season, but I went ahead and made a quick one. Now, onto the main event:
The Guided Fate Paradox is a title I caught a trailer of in passing a few months ago, and I have been looking forward...
The Wolf Among Us - Episode 1: Faith - Xbox Live Review
October 25, 2013Microsoft Xbox 360, Once Upon a Time, Telltale Games, The Wolf Among Us, Xbox 360 Review

I admit I have only played a small portion of The Walking Dead, the hugely popular episodic game released by Telltale Games. It is not that I am not interested - quite the opposite, I just keep getting distracted from it. I have it and I have watched my son enough to know I...
A preview of The Guided Fate Paradox
October 22, 2013artwork, News and Previews, NIS America, preview, screenshots, The Guided Fate Paradox, trailer

One of the games I have really been looking forward to this fall has been The Guided Fate Paradox. NIS America has released some new screenshots, a trailer and some character art I figured I would share.
Super Stardust HD - PSN Review
October 21, 20133D, Playstation Network Review, ps3, PS3 Review, psn, Sony PlayStation 3, Sony PlayStation Network, Super Stardust HD
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I owned an Xbox 360 before I had my PlayStation 3, and most of my friends who had an Xbox 360 were hooked on a little game called Geometry Wars. I played the demo and liked it enough for the most part, but it never quite clicked with me for some reason. Fast forward another...
Preview: Infinity Wars - PC

There are a lot of collectible or trading card games out there these days (CCG or TCG depending on your favorite term), and while they seem to be flooding the mobile market, a few notable ones have made their way to bigger screens as well. In the last year we have seen the latest...
Skydive: Proximity Flight - PSN Review
October 16, 2013Gaijin Entertainment, Playstation Network Review, PS3 Review, psn, Skydive: Proximity Flight, Sony PlayStation Network
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Heights in video games seldom 'get to me', as there are usually several disconnects that keep me from getting completely immersed in the situation. Skydive however, is all about the heights and there were a few moments when I found the ground rushing up to me and I was pulling...
Girl Fight - PSN Review
October 15, 2013Girl Fight, Kung Fun Factory, Majesco Entertainment, Microprose, Playstation Network Review, PS3 Review, psn, Sony PlayStation Network
Girl Fight is not trying to set the bar for creative storytelling here, as it was obviously marketed to a very specific demographic. The permise circles around a collection of lovely women gathered up by a nebulous group by the name of THE FOUNDATION. These subjects are then...
WipEout HD - PSN Review
October 14, 2013Playstation Network Review, ps3, PS3 Review, psn, Sony PlayStation 3, Sony PlayStation Network, WipEout HD
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I am not by nature a huge fan of racing games. Mario Kart is a pretty good example of how realistic I want them to be. I have played some like Forza, Gran Turismo and Project Gotham Racing, and I am neither terribly good at nor particularly enamored with them. They are generally...
Magic 2014 - Duels of the Planeswalkers Expansion - PC/PS3 Review

I was very happy with the earlier Magic 2014 release, reviewing it at 8.25 out of 10. It introduced some new sealed deck options, cards with lots of new mechanics and thankfully - more deck variety than the prior couple of releases.
Batman: Arkham Asylum - PS3 Review

Licensed games have a really rough history in the video game industry. E.T anyone? But every now and then a few of them get it right, and thankfully Batman: Arkham Asylum is a great example of a well-known character being treated right. I have owned it for a while now, but for...
Military Madness: Nectaris - PSN Review
October 08, 2013Military Madness: Nectaris, Playstation Network Review, ps3, PS3 Review, psn, Sony PlayStation 3, Sony PlayStation Network

Military Madness: Nectaris is one of the older games out there for the PlayStation Network, and one of those I have had sitting on my hard drive for a very long time. The turn-based strategic combat of Military Madness years ago always appealed to me, so I was anxious to dive...
Persona 4 Arena - Xbox 360 Review

It was pretty recently I wrapped up playing Persona 4 Golden, which I absolutely loved. It is still my favorite PlayStation Vita game to date. I have actually been sitting on Persona 4 Arena for a few months now - but I kept putting off playing it because the events of this...