We have been covering just a fraction of the games that have caught our eye, but some of these gems have simply stood out to members of our team more than others. Here is another batch of trailers and quick thoughts to share.
God of War
Exit the Olympians, enter the Norse mythos. 'Nuff said.
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Atmospheric wilderness that has taken over civilization? Check. Giant Robotic Dinosaurs? Check. Sexystrong main protagonist? Check.
No, it's not a Turok and Duke Nukem crossover, but rather a new IP from the folks at Guerrilla Games.
Detroit: Become Human
Detroi's looking pretty good (a far cry from reality) in the latest from the digital storytelling masters at Quantic Dreams, the geniuses behind Heavy Rain and Beyond 2 Souls.
These are just a few of my favorites so far from E3 2016; stay tuned for more news!
Article by Robert