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E-Win 2.0 RGB Gaming Desk – Video Feature

E-Win 2.0 RGB Gaming Desk
by manufacturer E-Win Racing—Feature Product review written by Pierre-Yves with a demo provided by the manufacturer.

Estimated reading time: 1 minutes

After having put together our written review, we now have a closer look at E-Win Racing's 2.0 RGB Gaming Desk.

As part of our collaboration, if you've been thinking of getting your own, you check them out on either E-Win Racing's US or Canadian stores and use the promo code of chalgyr for 20% off. We hope you enjoy another look at the desk and have a great weekend!


Kingdom of Arcadia - PS4 Review

Kingdom of Arcadia
by developer Spoonbox Studio and publisher EastAsiaSoft—Sony PlayStation 4 review written by Richard with a copy provided by the publisher.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Kingdom of Arcadia is a throwback to both old school games as well as high school. It has the retro style from those really old games I used to love, at it feels like one of the games I made in high school for my programming class. There's a lot to say about Kingdom of Arcadia, from the rustic appearance to the same “oof” sound effect that every monster makes. I wouldn't really call it good, but I definitely wouldn't call it bad. It just sort of...is.

Sam, our protagonist, loves video games. So does his dad. Turns out his dad has a magic arcade machine that transports Sam into a pixel kingdom. Wonderful parenting, that. Once in the pixel kingdom, the king issues a quest for Sam: retrieve the four magic rods from the guardians turned evil by the evil wizard. So off you go, and with the most anti-climactic “pop” sound I have ever heard, into the portal with you to traverse all five floors floors of each castle and beat up the boss, getting the rods so you can return home.

Kingdom of Arcadia markets itself as a metroidvania title. It...sort of is, I suppose. But let me back up here a second to tell you what it feels like to play KoA. When I said earlier it feels like a game I made in high school, I meant that quite literally: it feels like a group of high school students made it. I'm not talking super computer and programming savvy students either, just “average students”. I mean, that doesn't make it bad, it just doesn't really make it a whole lot. It feels like playing something incredibly rudimentary or basic. It does exactly what it is supposed to, but no more and no less. So how does it play then? Well, it's a 2D platformer, where you traverse five areas per castle to find the exit, then beat a boss. You can jump, swing a comically oversized sword, jump, throw weapons, swim, and swing on vines. There are chests to break open, hidden walls to discover, and switches to use.

There is no map, and backtracking is largely optional unless you take a wrong turn. Upgrades can be purchased for your armour, sword, and throwing weapons, which increase your health, melee attack, and ranged attack respectively. Each stage you progress through may have a wall that you need to throw a switch to move. These are colour coded for your convenience, and come in red, green, or blue. Once hit, the switches stay activated even if you die, making for easy shortcuts if you happen to bite the bullet right in front of an exit door. There are also breakable walls with chests behind them, which contain money, health, ranged ammo, or one possible secret...eyeball ahriman thingy... per level. No idea what the secret monster things actually do though... Either way, coins can be collected and spent on gear upgrades, and each stage is fairly short in itself, at least until the last few.

Kingdom of Arcadia is incredibly short. I literally beat it in one sitting over the span of about 4 hours, including a dinner break, feeding my cat, and helping my Dad move some furniture. The graphics and area designs are interesting and varied enough, and do have that retro feel, but also aren't really refined in any way. The grammar is also, well, poor, and I was constantly wondering whether or not it was poorly translated, or it was an english game to begin with. The trophies are also pretty dumb, as I got the platinum for the game after clearing the second castle. Furthermore, upon clearing the game, I got a bronze trophy and was told “do it again for a silver”, but wasn't really given any incentive for it.

There are a bunch of design choices that I'm inclined to label as “questionable”. The secret items being behind some random breakable wall, and the fact you can access your shop from the menu but it just removes you from the level and puts you in the shop being the two major ones. Also, while you can find coins floating around in a stage, they don't come back, similar to how switches stay flipped. I definitely wouldn't really call this a metroidvania. A platformer sure, but not really a metroidvania. There isn't any of that backtracking upgrade searching that I've come to love out of metroidvanias, there are no side quests, and as far as I could tell, the secrets don't even actually do anything? That being said, gameplay is surprisingly smooth and the loading times were fast. Another positive is that the game is cheap, so it is more or less worth what you pay for.


Ultimately, Kingdom of Arcadia feels more like something you'd find on a random internet website as opposed to a console title. It isn't bad, but it definitely doesn't do anything to really put itself out there as particularly outstanding or interesting. While the gameplay is rather smooth, levels begin to feel tedious after a while, and I found myself quickly losing the drive to really explore the locales. You don't really feel fulfilled walking away from Kingdom of Arcadia. If you want to introduce your kid to platforming games or something in those lines, sure why not, but don't go expecting this to fulfill any craving or empty hole you may be feeling.

Score: 6 / 10



Elite Dangerous: Odyssey - PC Preview

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey
by developer and publisher Frontier Developments—PC (Steam) preview written by Robert with a copy provided by the publisher.

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Hi there, T1ckles here and I’m back for more Elite: Dangerous content!

It’s been quite some time since I last wrote about it and boy has it changed significantly since I last raced through Elite’s stars. In the six plus years since it first released to PC, Elite has grown in scope and scale (if it can be believed; it’s a huge game as it is!). We saw the introduction of the SRV, a recon vehicle that you can drive around on planets, the arrival of the Thargoids, an eerie alien race, and even saw the recent release of Fleet Carriers, but the one thing many Commanders were pining for… was space legs. The community fervor surrounding space legs has been a hotly contested point, especially when mentioning the other massive space game- no, not No Man’s Sky, though that does come up on occasion… I speak of Cloud Imperium Games’ (CIG) massive space title, Star Citizen. This comparison will inevitably be brought up no matter where you go; where folks are talking about Elite: Dangerous, they tend to beat on Star Citizen and the reverse is true, too.

I, for one, am a massive fan of both titles as each bring something unique to the table- with Elite: Dangerous – Odyssey, Commanders can now exit their ships to participate in FPS missions- in a relatively surprising twist, Frontier Developments have been pushing a phased roll-out for the ED: Odyssey Alpha and they are taking it nice and slow (at the time of this writing, we were in Phase 2) and are working to address concerns as fast as possible. How does it compare to the monstrous elephant in the room that is Star Citizen? Quite well actually- in a bit of a mix-up from my traditional writing, I’ve put together a video detailing some of the features, highlights, and concerns so head on over to our YouTube channel and check it out!

And once you’re done there, check out this raw footage of a similar mission-style in CIG’s powerhouse of a title:

Enjoy the videos and be sure to Like, Subscribe, and Comment for more details and information on upcoming news, previews, and reviews!

Score: N/A


Super Meat Boy Forever - PS4 Review

Super Meat Boy Forever by developer and publisher Team MeatSony PlayStation 4 review written by Richard with a copy provided by the publisher.

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

Oh boy, here we go again. Back for more, Team Meat is here to deliver a flying lariat to the throat that is Super Meat Boy Forever. After the sadistic success of Super Meat Boy, SMBF changes up the playstyle to deliver to you a completely new experience, but still jam packed with the table-flipping difficulty you've probable come to expect.

In Super Meat Boy Forever, the nefarious Dr. Fetus kidnaps the adorable Nugget, who I presume is the kid of Meat Boy and Bandage Girl. Needless to say, it's up to you to help guide them through the dangers they will experience on their quest to save Nugget from the grip of Dr. Fetus.

Now, those who have experience with Super Meat Boy may want to know that there have been some major overhauls to the gameplay in SMBF. While basic progression is similar to the previous title, meaning you make your way through individual stages of a world, fight a boss, then move onto the next world, all while dodging instant death traps like saws and spikes, SMBF changes the brutal platforming gameplay. Gone is the day of full control over Meat Boy, instead it is now a side-scrolling “auto-runner”, where you are always constantly running forward. Jumping off a wall or landing on a little direction pad will make you reverse direction, but Meat Boy can, and will, keep running in the direction he's facing, provided there isn't anything blocking or killing him.

Unlike in the previous title, where there were few gimmicks and everything relied on your own understanding of stage composition, a lot of gimmick type aspects are added in SMBF. You can now punch and slide tackle, for instance. This will let you hit enemies, and bosses, as well as destructible environment objects. An airborne punch also propels you straight forward for a short distance. You can also drop down fast while in the air and slide on the ground, allowing you to avoid midair threats, or to duck under saw blades.

In addition to the new action moves, there are many new environment effects. Without wanting to ruin too much of the surprise, you have stuff like acid/glass, that you can only spend a set amount of time in before you need to leave, blocks that can turn intangible blacks tangible, and hooks to grab onto that will move you up or down. While the focus of both games is primarily your own skill, where the previous title focused on your ability to navigate terrain, this title focuses more on your ability to correctly interact with stage environments and objects. There are a lot more “puzzle” type segments this time around as well.

Another new aspect is that the game is seeded. That's right, the stages are generated from a code that can be randomized or manually input when you're starting up a new game. This is interesting for a number of reasons, as it means that item locations can change depending on your game seed. Furthermore, each stage in each world is comprised of smaller segments. These segments will differ between the game seeds, meaning you could, theoretically, have the toughest time at the beginning of the game only to have a really easy late game. Yes, this actually happened to me. I had significantly more collective deaths on the first world than the last world. Back to harass you as well are the collectibles, only this time they come as pacifiers instead of bandages. Collecting these, as well as fulfilling certain achievements, will allow you to unlock new characters to play as. There is also a new game plus feature, which retains unlockables, but allows you to restart the game with new collectibles. Seeing as there is an unlockable character that requires 90, and there definitely aren't that many in the game from what I can tell, this would probably be required to unlock that character.

A couple of interesting things that have resulted from levels being in segments are the locations of items and the in-game timer. Items are also randomized according to the seed, which also includes warp zones. This means your warp zone may be in a dark world stage instead of the light world, most likely meaning it is significantly harder to unlock. As reference, my first two warp zones were in the light world, and my rest weren't. So how do you unlock the dark world? Well, you have to clear the associated light world stage within the time limit set by the developpers. These time limits can range from “meh” to “HOW THE BLOODY HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO SHAVE 12 SECONDS OFF THAT TRASH?!?!?”.

Words were had, controllers were thrown.

Thankfully, the in game timer keeps track of your overall time in a stage, and will update after each segment indicating whether you are currently under or over based on how much time is allotted per segment. For instance, clearing a segment fast might mean you have a green “-1.2” next to your timer, indicating you are currently 1.2 seconds under the the time to beat. Doing poorly in the next segment could mean you now see “+12.7” meaning you are now 12.7 seconds over the segment total you should be around to reach the goal within the time limit. Lucky enough, dying will just return you to the beginning of the segment you are on, and will revert your timer to what you started the segment at. This is really useful for scoping out fast paths through segments.

Let's talk a little bit about what I personally liked and disliked about Super Meat Boy Forever. I like how the bosses were actual bosses you fought, and weren't just races/dodging endurance contests. I liked the segment timer. I liked how some of the collectibles were timed, and you needed to get to them fast. I liked the massive number of really cool gimmicks and environmental effects. I did not enjoy the constant running function, which made the game feel more like it was going to be a mobile/iOS style game instead of a console/PC title. I didn't like how harsh some of the time requirements were for unlocking the dark worlds. While this is predominantly seed dependent, it was still quite frustrating. I am rather on the fence about the seeded games. On the one hand, this means there are a myriad number of different combinations, all with varying difficulties that can be formed, which is really cool. On the other hand, having a string of some of the most arse precision movements that felt like they only had a few frames as a window was wretched. The first world's dark world? Good lord man, I legitimately thought I was going to cry.

While the above were simply likes and dislikes, that doesn't mean there weren't any issues with the gameplay itself. Hitboxes are...weird and mostly awful. It feels like Meat Boy has a bubble around him larger than his character sprite that will take collision damage. While this isn't too bad normally, it results in some extremely frustrating moments when trying to thread a thin gap, or when you're supposed to make contact with a gimmick, only to die as you grab a hook or enter a warp portal as soon as you touch it, because those spikes nearby are just a little too close to the portal. Another issue that kept cropping up was with the punching mechanic. Punching can be done by hitting any button that will cause you to jump while midair. Since you have more than one button for this, what happens if both buttons are pressed, or one is held as a jump and the other pushed as attack? You get a quarter second punch with hardly any of the momentum you need.

Super frustrating.

Also, special mention goes to the last boss. There is a gimmick to block attacks, but half the time I found the attacks would just completely bypass by “block” and still hit me for no good reason. Some of the jumps are super tight, and some gimmick activations were super sketchy. As a reference, I had a total of, I think about 54 deaths in the last world leading up to the boss, including using multiple deaths on a timed pacifier I wanted to collect. The boss itself? Somewhere around 168 deaths. I mean, I did it, but it was a super iffy fight all around, despite the other boss fights being more or less decent.


All in all, I have to say that Super Meat Boy Forever felt like a step back from its predecessor. It felt clunkier, there were some collision detection issues, and it felt a lot less refined. That being said, it's by no means bad, although it is a drastic difference from the original style. While I wasn't fond of the gameplay changeup, that is entirely personal preference and should be taken with a grain of salt. While you should come in to Super Meat Boy Forever expecting a vaguely similar feeling to the previous title, it is still by and far a different experience. A few collision detection patches and maybe some time requirement adjustments for those a little too casual to make the cutoff for the dark world stages, but who are better with the platforming, could really go a long way.

Score: 7.5 / 10


Dysmantle - PC Preview

Dysmantle by developer and publisher 10tons LTDPC (Steam) preview written by Pierre-Yves with a copy provided by the publisher.

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Having been out in Early Access for a little while now, I finally had the chance to sit down to 10tons's almost Last of Us meets the original Fortnite's original survival concepts. Having hidden in a private bunkers for years, with your supplies having finally run out, you venture forth into a world that's moved on and plagued by beings once known as humans and other wildlife.

Dysmantle is fun. Outright, there is a vast region to explore at your own pace and while some elements may be locked behind quests or crafting progression, you're generally not barred from going wherever you want to. Starting off with nothing more than the clothes on your back and a crowbar, you'll be dismantling just about everything inside in order to get the materials to build what you need to survive. Better backpack, better weapons, farming tools, trinkets to give you a leg up on those that were once human and will kill you on sight. It has it all.

Now the reason I mention the original Fortnite is because in the original version, before the free-to-play battle royale, there was a tower defense survival zombie apocalypse shooter. In this tower defense survival you had to break down materials in order to build defenses and walls to protect yourself. This is a little of what Dysmantle makes me think of short of the tower defense and oncoming hordes. Now there are enemies, just not Zerg rush “hordes” of them. Where things become a little more in their own element is that certain grades materials can only be broken with certain levels of equipment.

So for example your original crowbar will not be able to destroy a tougher metal cabinet. It's going to have to be leveled up first. On the same note even a leveled up crowbar is not going to be able to destroy a rubber tire, you're going to need the machete for that. What's convenient about just these two tools before getting into the rest is that they can also be used in combat and will affect how you approach a target as they swing a bit differently and do different amounts of damage. Add in other items like throwing knives, compasses to unlock fast-travel, fishing rods and bait for enemies, you’ll be trying to break every house down just to get what you want access to.

In terms of general gameplay, you’ll be moved around in a top down view that you can easily switch the camera around to get a better view if something is in your way. You can walk, run, dodge and then swing or throw anything that you have equipped. So far, there’s no stamina meter which is nice in a way as some of these ex-humans are terrifying and already hard enough to stay ahead of once they give chase. Combat follows the same rules of not having to worry about stamina and it’s either over once anything trying to kill you is dead, or you are. If you die, you’ll respawn at your previous campsite with nothing more than what you’ve previously made, but anything picked up, will have to be re-obtained off the skeleton and the backpack that marks where you previously died.

One thing that I really appreciated early wasn’t just that you’re free to go where you want, but also that there’s an underlying fear of maybe you’ve gone too far. Maybe “now” would be a good time to either head back to drop off your materials, or head back to sit down at the campfire to heal up and to save your current progress. I may have only had Dysmantle crash once within the first five hours, but it was enough to teach me to never go too too far as I would easily run the risk of losing a fair amount of progress.

On the note of the campfire though, I wouldn't say that Dysmantle is a roguelike, maybe it has some little elements to it, but whenever you rest at a campfire not unlike Dark Souls, everything respawns short of the actual bosses. They thankfully stay dead and the only thing that they do is respawn their corpses where you first met them instead of where you took them out. There is a way around the respawning, and it’s not like in Dark Souls II where you simply murder rampaged them ten or fifteen times, but in modifying the transmission towers that also act as your fast-travel points. By learning how to make these modifications, you can prevent the respawning and also obtain a specific material only available previously through the bosses that you dispatched to make it that far.

Still in Early Access, but having given a roadmap of the features yet to come in the next versions (see screenshot below), there’s plenty of work that has already gone into Dysmantle and still plenty yet left to come. As I said in the beginning, this is fun and unlike a lot of others in this specific type of adventure, Dysmantle isn’t designed to kill you on the spot. It can, but it provides a challenge without being absolutely brutal about it. If I had one wish of things to perhaps come it would be to play with in a coop fashion with maybe one or two other people and maybe just raising the difficulty of the enemies to compensate. Otherwise, it’s a great single player experience that doesn’t need a multiplayer element at the end of the day.


If you’ve been looking for a title that is very easy to sink hours into at a time and provides both a challenge while still being relaxing enough as you explore a world of riches, I would suggest checking out 10tons’ Dysmantle. Currently in version 0.6.10 at the time of this writing, there’s still plenty yet to come and I’m looking quite forward to it!

Score: N/A


Site Maintenance

Hello everyone!

We hope that everyone has had a good week. Just a head's up that this weekend the site may be in and out of operation as we are updating our DNS settings. Everything should be good to go for Monday morning though!



Kitara Fables Planting Itself on Last Gen and Next Gen Consoles!

PQube (London, UK) - March 11th, 2021
- Today, PQube is very excited to announce that upcoming action-adventure RPG Kitaria Fables is heading to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One! This is in addition to the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, and PC confirmed back in February.

The announcement to support PlayStation 4 and Xbox One comes after overwhelming community response to see the Kitaria Fables available on all platforms.

In Kitaria Fables, there is always a friend in need or a neighbour who needs a hand. Making friends with the locals is vitally important, and will require a host of skills from farming, to crafting and battle to help out.

Here, we will take a look at just a few residents you'll meet along the way and some core gameplay mechanics that will shape the way you play.

Green-thumb, local vendor and valuable friend - anyone who's anyone grows their produce from Kiki's stock! Visit her shop to purchase seeds for a huge variety of fruits, vegetables, and plants. With everything from pumpkins to pineapples, strawberries to sunflowers, grow them on your plot of land at Thunderbunn Farm and nurture them as they grow into flourishing crops!

You can develop your relationship with Kiki by helping her with errands and doing so will lead to an even wider variety of seeds becoming available to you. Home-grown raspberries? Yes please!

Towering brown bear "Shamrock" is the Paw Village blacksmith - and the epitome of a gentle giant! You'll find him hard at work at his workshop in the South-West corner of the village. Able to craft blades, bows, helmets, or chest plates - Shamrock is your one stop shop for everything weapons and armour!

Change your appearance at home with a selection of skins to choose from, and suit up with the various gear available at the blacksmith's. Hats, horns, huge swords, wings and golden helmets - Shamrock has it all! That is, if you can gather the finest and rarest materials in Kitaria to forge them!

Commander Hazel can be found at the towering Rivero Fortress to the South-East of Paw Village. Her calm, measured temperament makes her a formidable commander in the Empire’s army and a fearsome ally in the fight against the region’s monsters.

Working alongside this fiercely loyal warrior, you'll be sent to every corner of the map investigating disturbances and patrolling for monsters. Collect all manner of materials, relics, and rewards along the way as you face off against foes in the name of Rivero!

Just to the South of Paw Village square you’ll find Ms Apple - the best chef in all of Kitaria! Whether you grow them on your farm or collect them during your quests and battles, be sure to store up the ingredients and Ms Apple can cook, bake, boil or blend most of these into tasty treats for you!

From a quick heal, buffed defences, or some powerful stat bonuses – all food, drinks and snacks in Kitaria come with perks, and in some cases, interesting side effects…

Adorable Action Adventure Kitaria Fables will be coming to PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One & Series X, Nintendo Switch and PC!

Check out #KitariaFables and @KitariaFables on social media!

For more information and the latest news, follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Twitch, Instagram, and our official website: http://pqube.co.uk/

About PQube

PQube is a leading international creator, publisher, and distributor of interactive entertainment. The company’s teams worldwide are committed to publishing games they love by working closely with development partners and reaching consumers globally on all major gaming platforms. PQube manages a rich portfolio of brands including Cat Quest, New Super Lucky’s Tale, BlazBlue, Gal*Gun, White Day, Kill La Kill, Nexomon: Extinction, Guilty Gear, Kitaria Fables, and many more. Visit: pqube.co.uk to find out more.


Article by: Susan N.


Beacon Pines Coming to LudoNarraCon by Hiding Spot Games!

We're excited to share that Beacon Pines will be a featured game at LudoNarraCon this year! The Hiding Spot Games team is honored to be included in this event, and we'd love for Beacon Pines to be a part of your LudoNarraCon experience.

In Beacon Pines, you play as both the reader of an extraordinary storybook, and its main character, a young boy probing mysterious events in his hometown. Along the way you'll discover new words that let you rewrite past events, leading to entire new timelines to explore. Check out Beacon Pines today - it's like “Winnie-the-Pooh” meets “Stranger Things”.


Beacon Pines is a cute and creepy adventure game within a magical storybook. You play as both the reader of the book and its main character, Luka. Explore the town to find word charms. Use your charms to change the course of fate!


Believe it or not, Beacon Pines started its life as a rhythm-based RPG. Seriously. But as we slowly designed the game over several years, we pivoted when it felt like the game was telling us what it wanted to be. For us, the most compelling aspects of the game wound up being not the combat, but the story and characters. So we followed that instinct.


     Explore an illustrated mountain town to collect word charms

     Use those words to alter the story

     Use those words to make friends

     Use those words to weave the fabric of fate itself

     Open the magical book at any time to go back and change your decisions

     No combat - exploration, deep character-driven dialogue, and light puzzle-solving

     Explore an illustrated town full of charming characters - and unnerving secrets

     Change past events by turning back the storybook, uncovering new branches

     Discover new words and use them to write (and rewrite) the game’s story

     Over 200% funded on Kickstarter

     Coming to PC and Nintendo Switch (more platforms possible)

About LudoNarraCon:

This digital convention is presented by Fellow Traveller, and showcases the latest innovative games with a narrative focus. LudoNarraCon 2021 will be taking place on Steam from April 23rd to 26th and features free playable demos, live-streamed panel discussions, and lots of other great content from over 40 game exhibitors. Find out more at https://www.ludonarracon.com/


Article by: Susan N.


Skeletal Avenger - PC Preview

Skeletal Avenger by developer and publisher 10tons LTDPC (Steam) preview written by Pierre-Yves with a copy provided by the publisher.

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

So you know how it goes. Someone takes you out, you don't notice who did it, and you die. Then one day you wake up in your coffin, you get your bearings, put your head on your shoulders and run through the tutorial. Telling this to the nice necromancer who's offered to help you avenge yourself if you get them what they need, you agree and then head out for untold amounts of roguelike dungeon crawling mayhem.

Skeletal Avenger by 10tons is a dungeon crawling hack & slash roguelike currently in early access. Raised from the dead, you'll be running around as a skeleton who while reclaiming some of their old gear as they fight hordes of enemies, they'll also be learning new tricks as there are definitely some bonuses to being dead in this adventure. Swords, hammers, helmets, armor and your own head will be at your disposal and I never thought I would say this as much as I did here, but using your head is often the best course of action.

Seriously, you can throw your head around and depending on which helmet is equipped, your head will do different things while it's detached from your shoulders. More precision in your aim, more damage the further your head flies, or it rolling right through with a bladed helmet. It’s dealer’s choice. Probably the best part about throwing your head around is that it doesn’t contain your life essence so there’s no worry about picking it back up right away. And if it so happens that your head went flying in a direction that you don’t need to go in? You can just summon it right back onto your shoulders to continue the mayhem.

In regards to your mayhem, it’ll all be starting from your central hub which allows you to pick which trinket you wish to have equipped, buy another piece of gear to replace the one(s) that you currently have on and then select which dungeon you wish to tackle next. Of these dungeons, and the point of crawling through them, is that there’s a revenge target and once you take them out, you’ll receive blood crystals that you’ll need to unlock a big boss target to bring you that much closer to your actual revenge. In regards to these blood crystals though, you’ll need a lot of them AND you can both be stuck using them in order to heal or lose them if you did poorly on a run and died. Again…

This brings me to potentially my only issue with Skeletal Avenger. You don’t actually heal after the successful completion of a dungeon. Instead, you either have to get gear that will allow some healing or have gear that will let you receive more healing from the items in the dungeon that hopefully don’t cost blood crystals such as potions and healing fountains. This wouldn’t be so bad if you were allowed to keep your perks such as poisoning enemies, having flaming weapons or ice bursts when you are hit to give you two seconds to reformulate, but this perhaps also leads me into one of my favorite features. Actually selecting which dungeon to tackle.

Dungeon selection is upfront with you in regards to how many blood crystals you’ll receive, how tough the standard enemy will be, and how many paths lead through it and what can be found down each path. Weapon racks, healing fonts, and perks to do things such as move faster after putting your head back onto your shoulders, poison weapons, putrid puddles under your feet that will kill the living if they step into it as you dash by. There’s some variety and plenty of different perks that you can experiment with. Like any good roguelike though, it’s all in the roll of the dice of which perks will show up and which ones you’ll choose in consideration to what lies ahead.

The best part of all of this is that this is just the beginning. Skeletal Avenger is releasing to the public for Early Access at the end of the month and from there it’s certain that there’ll be plenty of changes and balancing to come not unlike other Early Access titles and their own other Early Access title Dysmantle which we took a look at earlier this week that’s been in Early Access since last year. If I have perhaps one thing that I would like to see more of? It would be dialog and banter like that from the very beginning when our protagonist makes the deal with the resident necromancer but again, the adventure has just begun! 


So overall, with more to surely come, Skeletal Avenger will definitely scratch that roguelike and dungeon crawling itch as well as just be some good and decent fun.

Score: N/A



Release Date and Trailer Revealed for King of Seas!

Milan, Italy - 14th April, 2021
. Ahoy, me Hearties! Independent Italian developer 3DClouds and global independent games label, Team17, are thrilled to announce that the eagerly awaited pirate-themed action RPG, King of Seas, will be launching from a port near you on 25th May 2021! This action-packed seafaring adventure will be available for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch™.

That’s not all! Fans will be able to take their own vessel out for a spin and go head-to-head with some of the fearsome pirates they’ll meet in the game as a brand new demo for King of Seas (PC) will be available today via the Steam page here

Budding pirates can now wishlist this swashbuckling adventure for PC via Steam with pre-orders for other platforms following soon.

About King of Seas

King of Seas is an action role-playing game set in a deadly procedurally generated pirate world. In a ferocious plot, you will fight to regain what has been taken away and embark on an epic adventure in a fantastic world, filled with battles, lost islands and treasures. A universe full of amazing characters and breathtaking missions will keep you anchored as you strive to become the king of all pirates.

Main features

     Story: A series of quests guide you on your journey and uncover the intriguing characters of the King of Seas world who will lead you to the next path of your epic adventure.

     Procedural Generation: Dive into a lush, procedurally generated world that constantly refreshes the exploration mechanics within each new game.

     Dynamic World: The world reacts to your every action, naval routes change and with each conquered settlement the difficulty adapts to constantly give you a more challenging time.

     Map: A thick fog will ensure traveling towards objectives is not plain sailing, after all, wouldn't you want to lose the joy of exploration?

     Navigation system: Atmospheric effects influence gameplay. Sail during a storm at your own risk, escape the enemies and always remember to carefully watch the wind direction to stay in control during battles. The strategy starts here.

     Ship customization: Five types of highly customizable ships through an equipment and skill system, just as in any true role-playing game!

     Combat system: Not only cannon shots and nautical strategy but also speed and spectacle, thanks to a set of more than 20 skills to choose from and three branches of talents to suit any playstyle.

King of Seas will be available on 25th May, 2021 for Windows PC via Steam, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Fans can wishlist the PC version on the official King of Seas Steam page here. For all the latest information please visit the official website here or follow on social media Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Discord, and YouTube.

About 3DClouds

3DClouds is a graphic studio creating multimedia productions in Computer Graphics and MultiService 3D. For some years 3DClouds has specialized in creating video games thanks to a team of veterans of the sector, with experience in Microsoft, Milestone and Ubisoft, and a team of young and enthusiastic talents. 3DClouds debut videogame All-Star Fruit Racing released in 2018 was a kart racer available on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Switch. The following year 2019 turned out to be a very big year for 3DClouds with three separate titles released. Xenon Racer our second game was released in the spring showcasing another example of design innovation within the racing video games genre. In November “Race With Ryan” a second kart racing game was released which we developed for the most famous youtuber channel in the world, Ryan’s Toy Reviews. Closing out on a busy 2019 we also released CARRUMBLE, a completely new take on the brawler genre.

About Team17 Group plc

Founded in 1990, Team17 Group plc is a leading developer, video games label, and creative partner for developers around the world. Floated on AIM in 2018, Team17, with its extensive portfolio of over 100 titles, embodies the spirit of independent games. In addition to the award-winning Overcooked!, Yoku’s Island Express, and the iconic Worms, which celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2020, Team17 has helped bring critically acclaimed titles including Hell Let Loose, Moving Out, Golf With Your Friends, Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair, Blasphemous, and The Escapists to gamers everywhere. Visit www.team17.com for more info.

Nintendo Switch is a trademark of Nintendo.

Article by: Susan N.


SturmFront - The Mutant War: Übel Edition - PS4 Review

by developer Andrade Games and publisher RED ART GAMESSony PlayStation 4 review written by Pierre-Yves with a copy provided by the publisher.

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Do you like shooting at things and not having to accurately aim? What about loads of enemies that don't let up? Combined with both the elements of a Shoot 'Em Up and a Bullet Hell and SturmFront - The Mutant War: Übel Edition is for you!

What I really like about titles such as SturmFront is that they provide some good old fashioned arcade challenges in short bursts but with modern day refinements. Taking control of the semi-organic battle unit Siegfried von Hammerstein, your only job is to take this 80s action hero inspired combat machine on a no holds bar rampage through hordes of alien forces until there’s nothing left.

Unlike other arcade based Bullet Hells or Shoot ‘Em Ups, SturmFront moves at your pace instead of having to worry about a horizontal or vertical autoscroll. It takes a bit to get used to as enemies can come from any direction and even if you’ve moved on by, it is possible to have enemies come from behind you and ruin your day as by that point you quite literally have nowhere to go!

So for your combat prowess, you’ll be by default equipped with a gun that as you power it up will shoot both more bullets and streams of bullets either in a full 360 arc with the joystick or top, down, left, right with the four buttons on the controller. One method offers you a lot more flexibility while the other lets you specifically shoot in exactly the right direction which can help you out when moving in tighter quarters and you want to use the walls to your advantage.

Adding in a bit of its own flair, by default, Siegfried will also have a flamethrower that can be refueled with gasoline in order to both burn enemy nests as well as to act as a defensive barrier against enemy fire. It’s not uncommon to have a method of defense inside of bullet hells and shoot ‘em ups however having the ability to simply burn away enemy fire was pretty cool as it’s an ability that you get to use repeatedly without having to worry about a numbered limited usage. Yes, you can run out, but more often than not, if you play your cards right and use it only when really needed? You’ll be fine.

So for your rampaging pleasure there are several stages split between a main stage and then the path to the boss that can be tackled on either easy or normal before being able to move onto hard mode. For achievement hunters and sadists, there are also challenges such as making it from the beginning to the end without dying once. In either case, there’s plenty of old school arcade fun to be found for players of all types as while there is still a pretty crazy amount of bullets flying around in easy mode, there are more health packs making the journey a little less perilous than in normal mode.


Overall, SturmFront - The Mutant War: Übel Edition is a quick and fun arcade title that you can challenge friends to beat your score like in the good old days. The only difference here is that you won’t need to worry about mortgaging your house in order to sink a colossal amount of quarters into the machine for one more playthrough as this train doesn’t even game you over! It simply throws you right back in for another go from your latest checkpoint.

Score: 7.5 / 10


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