Memorable Music in Gaming #50

After a long sabbatical, here's the latest Memorable Music article from Hamza! There's a lot of key aspects to a video game. Visuals, storytelling and frankly, just if it's fun to play. Music however, is often one of the most memorable aspects to any video game. At least, if the music is done well - and Chrono Trigger seems to top the list of Memorable Music in gaming this week.


Chrono Trigger (SNES) - Secret of the Forest

It's no secret that Chrono Trigger has one of the finest soundtracks in gaming history. The vast wealth of fantastic tracks could easily have an entire article written around them - but to choose just five for this series, I'll go with these.

This is among my most-repeated tracks, so ethereal and soothing it is. The sustained hollow notes give off goosebumps like no other.

Chrono Trigger: Secret of the Forest [Original] 


Chrono Trigger (SNES) - Corridors of Time

There’s something positively addictive about the tribal-esque, thumping nature of this track. It at once conjures up mystical and mythical imagery.

Chrono Trigger Soundtrack - Corridors of Time [HQ]


Chrono Trigger (SNES) - To Far Away Times

This one has all the hallmarks of a typical progressive rock song, à la Dream Theater or Opeth. The starting is all upbeat pop tempo, which then leads way to an excellent melodious interlude, before sending us off on long flowing notes.

To Far Away Times - Chrono Trigger 


Chrono Trigger (SNES) - Peaceful Days

How appropriate is the title? Just the opening notes are enough to turn any day into a peaceful day, guaranteed. Listening to this makes one ready to pack up for a wonderful, unforgettable adventure.

Peaceful Days 


Chrono Trigger (SNES) - Wind Scene

I’ll die on the hill that Wind Scene is perhaps the quintessential track of Chrono Trigger. If you have a friend who hasn’t played the game, play Wind Scene. This is bound to convince them, no words required.

Wind Scene 



Article by Hamza 



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