Memorable Music in Gaming #58

This week, we’re all about appreciating tunes that showcase fantastic non-lexical vocables, such as whistling and other vocalizations.

Wild ARMs | PS1 | Into the Wilderness

Oh yeah, this one is iconic. It immediately transports you to the back of a galloping horse, riding into the next burg to stir up some good ol’ trouble of the six-shooter variety—Silverado (1985) style.

Wild ARMs - Into the Wilderness


Deadly Premonition | PC | Life is Beautiful

Deadly Premonition is the closest we’ve gotten to a Twin Peaks video game. Sure, several titles are inspired by the surreal mindscape of David Lynch, but this one feels the closest.

The oddly charming and catchy whistling, paired with the rarely-heard-in-games kazoo, is the perfect choice for the off-kilter, unintentionally comedic world of Deadly Premonition. Love it.

Deadly Premonition OST: Life is Beautiful


Nameless Song | PC | Dark Souls

Video games are art—end of discussion. We often talk about gameplay and the emotional connection between the player and the game, but music plays a major role in this dynamic, too.

Nameless Song is a prime example of what art in video game music sounds like. The ethereal vocals, the slow strings, the haunting atmosphere—sublime!

Nameless Song


Assassin’s Creed | PC | Ezio's Family

To me, this theme, composed by Jesper Kyd, ranks alongside the main themes of Lawrence of Arabia and Ben-Hur—composed by Maurice Jarre and Miklós Rózsa, respectively—in capturing the quintessential “epic world-building” quality.

Can’t you envision centuries-old Italy coming into view?

Assassin's Creed 2 OST / Jesper Kyd - Ezio's Family (Track 03)


Eternal Darkness | GameCube | The Chosen

This one is unsettling and cryptic—in the best way. I can picture it being used in an edgy, philosophical ‘90s anime.

For a game that plays you as much as you play it, this song perfectly sets the tone for that back-and-forth dynamic.

Eternal Darkness - Sanity's Requiem (The Chosen)



Article by: Hamza


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